Solar power is rapidly becoming more popular, with sales of solar panels growing 20% since last year. As more consumers look to this source for their electricity, it’s important to understand the benefits of solar power for both homeowners and society at large. But what is it exactly?

Solar Power

Solar power or solar energy is the radiant light and heat from the sun that has been harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, concentrated solar power (CSP), concentrator photovoltaics (CPV), molten salt power plants and artificial photosynthesis.

Solar Energy: Renewable and Clean

Powering your home with traditional sources of energy like coal results in negative effects on the environment, pollution of local waterways, and release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Solar power, on the other hand, is completely clean and safe for both people and the environment. Installing solar panels for your home allows you to use a reliant source of electricity that will never run out – at least not in your lifetime!

Benefits of Solar Power for the Homeowner

Solar power also has a lot of benefits for homeowners. If your roof is strong enough to sustain the added weight, most states allow you to claim 30% of your solar panels cost as a tax deduction. In most cases, you have the power to choose solar power that is much cheaper than electricity from utility companies. it’s also very easy to monitor how much energy you’re using. You can even use it to power your home without having to connect to the grid.

Benefits of Solar Power for Society

Solar power is also beneficial for society as a whole because it reduces air pollution and potentially combats global warming. Electricity that comes from solar panels doesn’t contribute to smog or greenhouse gas emissions, making it a cleaner energy source.

The Future of Solar Energy

Solar power is rapidly gaining popularity in much of the world. In many countries, it’s already much cheaper to produce your own energy from solar panels than buying it from a utility company. And one day soon, scientists hope that solar power will be able to run entire cities!

The Cons of Solar Energy

The biggest benefit of solar power is also its biggest drawback: it is not constant. The sun only shines during the day, and even then, there are times when clouds get in the way. That’s why most solar power plants need other sources of power to back them up for those days when the sun isn’t shining enough or at all.

Some homeowners with solar panels on their homes can supplement their electricity use with solar power during the day, after which they are required to switch to regular utility company electricity.

Though some people think that using alternative sources of energy like solar power can be difficult or expensive, it really isn’t too complicated. A few simple changes in your daily routine can help you use less energy. For example, turning off the lights when you leave a room, unplugging appliances when they’re not in use, and washing clothes in cold water can all make a big difference.