Energy wastage is a reality, and it occurs both in residential and commercial sectors. However, if you think that energy wastage happens only in commercial sectors, you are mistaken. It is a fact of the residential sector as well. If you look at the commercial sector, energy wastage occurs primarily in older buildings. It has been estimated that thirty percent of the energy wastage occurs in the older buildings that have not been retrofitted with modern lighting and HVAC systems. For example, modern HVAC systems are designed to be energy efficient and consume less power. This equipment uses heat pumps, boilers, chillers, and energy recovery ventilators to ensure minimum wastage of power.

Thus, owners can reduce energy wastage in commercial buildings by installing the latest equipment and implementing energy-efficient technologies. Some of the methods by which homeowners can reduce energy wastage are as follows:

Continuously Changing Thermostat Settings

You must keep the thermostat settings at an optimum level during summer and winter. During summer, you will have to change the setting to keep your house warm and vice versa during winter. But try not to change the setting every day or frequently. Unnecessary adjustment of the thermostat setting puts unnecessary pressure on your home’s HVAC system, which can lead to excessive consumption of energy. Instead, it would be best to get the HVAC system regularly serviced to ensure that the equipment is functioning at an optimum level and keep the thermostat in a fixed setting.

Check Your Home’s Energy Consumption

It is not complex to carry out a thorough energy survey of your home. It is important to understand your home’s electricity plans and your monthly energy usage. First, study your electricity bill and energy rates thoroughly to understand the number of units of energy that you consume in a month. After that, check if the equipment that you use in your home, for example, the bulbs, the lights, and other similar electrical items in your house, is energy efficient or not. Next, you can understand how any units each equipment is using and the HVAC system is consuming to identify any equipment is consuming unnecessary units of electricity. Then you can replace it with energy-efficient electrical equipment. This will reduce your energy wastage and help reduce your electricity bill in the long run. Energy wastage often occurs when you are unaware and have not evaluated your overall energy consumption. Once you have evaluated your energy consumption, you can quickly identify the areas to reduce energy wastage.

Energy wastage is a significant problem primarily because the burning of fossil fuels generates energy. Hence, it is necessary to reduce its wastage so that the burning of fossil fuels too can be reduced. Experts often mention that suppliers can often meet energy requirements if people can reduce energy wastage across sectors. Indeed, the number of units of electricity wasted in the commercial sectors is more, but there is wastage of energy even in the residential sectors. Therefore, people in both sectors must become aware of the problem of energy wastage and work toward reducing it.