Why Choose Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy has recently been gaining popularity and for good reasons. Choosing to power your home with renewable energy can help to greatly benefit the world around you. By using renewable energy, you can do your part to help reduce carbon emissions and benefit the environment. Reliant Energy is one of the many energy providers that provide a way for you to use renewable energy to power your home. There are several options available through Reliant for you to use renewable energy in your home.

Reliant 100% Solar Plan

With this plan, you can fully power your home with energy that comes only from the sun. This plan allows you to take advantage of solar power without needing solar panels. The plan comes with a 12-month fixed-rate contract and 24/7 customer service to give you peace of mind. Most renewable energy plans only allow you to power your home with energy that is only partially renewable. With this plan, however, you can power your home with energy that is 100% renewable.

Roof Top Solar

With this option, you can generate your own energy right from your home! With your own solar panels, you can generate your own renewable energy. Reliant will give you a free consultation and help to get your panels installed quickly and easily. You can take control of your energy by harnessing it at home.

Reliant Simple Solar Sell Back 12 Plan

A major advantage of having your own solar panels is Reliant’s sell-back plan. If your panels produce more energy than you can use, you get to sell it back to make a profit off of the energy your home has produced. The extra energy is automatically applied to your monthly bill. This 12-month contract can help you take control of your own energy.

Local Solar

This plan, like the 100% solar plan, allows you to fully power your home with energy from the sun. The difference with this plan, however, is that it uses energy from local Texas solar farms. With this option, you can help better the environment while supporting local businesses.

Secure Advantage 100% Wind Plan

If you would rather power your home with wind energy rather than solar, that is an option too! This plan allows you to power your home fully with wind energy. The plan also offers additional benefits on top of this. On benefit is price protection for the duration of your contract. You do not have to worry about your rates changing while you are under this plan. You will also have the advantage of 24/7 customer support both from the phone and online.