Keep up to date about different energy options, electricity providers, and energy saving tips. Learn how you can save money on electricity now!

How to Save Money on Your Home’s Electricity

By |August 3rd, 2021|Categories: Blog|

When you're on a tight budget, it can feel like every penny counts. But there are ways to save money without giving up your favorite treats and indulgences. We've put together some tips for how Texans can save money on electricity so that they can still enjoy their lives with the people they love without [...]

5 Factors to Consider Before Choosing an Energy Plan

By |August 2nd, 2021|Categories: Blog|

With so many choices out there for energy providers and electricity plans in Texas, it can be overwhelming to find the company with the lowest electricity rates and best energy plans. It is important that you choose the right plan option to ensure that you get the best deal and are overspending on your electricity. [...]

What Are Energy Companies Doing to Better the Environment?

By |July 30th, 2021|Categories: Blog|

Deregulation of the energy sector has made it easier for the consumer to identify Texas energy providers that meet his requirement precisely. Sometimes this requirement may not be entirely monetary. Many homeowners are quite particular about the source from which the electricity is being generated and look forward to purchasing green electricity plans. Many service [...]

Should Texas Switch Predominantly to Wind Energy?

By |July 29th, 2021|Categories: Blog|

Texas often sees rolling power outages and summer and winter. In most cases, it has been found that the sudden rise in demand for energy in the commercial, residential sectors during both seasons is the primary reason behind the power outages. But the question remains how companies can meet these demands. In winter, Texas suffers [...]

What You Need to Know About Energy From Natural Gas

By |July 28th, 2021|Categories: Blog|

Electricity is generated from several sources, some of which are renewable while others are non-renewable. In Texas, one of the traditional methods in which energy is generated is by burning natural gas. If you check your energy rates and electric bill, you will find precisely how many units of electricity supplied to your home have [...]

Texas Power Outages: What You Need to Know

By |July 27th, 2021|Categories: Blog|

There have been several Texas blackouts and power outages which are caused due to increased demand for electricity. But the blackouts occur not just during summer but even during the winter months. For example, in 2018, Texas faced a severe power outage during winter with a sudden demand for increased electricity. When experts explored the [...]

3 Things to Understand About Renewable Energy

By |July 26th, 2021|Categories: Blog|

Renewable energy is the best option if you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint. Green energy is generated from non-traditional resources, including wind energy, geothermal energy, hydro-power, and other similar methods of generating electricity. When you look at the traditional modes of generating electricity, you will find that these involve burning fossil fuels. This [...]

3 Things to Know Before Installing Home Solar Panels

By |July 23rd, 2021|Categories: Blog|

If you are planning to install solar panels on the roof of your home, there are certain factors that you must take into consideration. For example, before installing solar panels, you need to ensure that your home's roof is in good condition. If the roof needs any repairs, you need to get it done before [...]

Can Solar Panels Help You Reduce Your Energy Bill?

By |July 22nd, 2021|Categories: Blog|

As a homeowner, you can adopt several methods to reduce energy consumption. For example, you can install energy-efficient electrical equipment in your home to reduce energy wastage and your energy consumption. Similarly, you can install solar panels on the roof of your home to add to the energy consumed by your home. In other words, [...]

How to Set Your Air Conditioning in Texas Summers

By |July 21st, 2021|Categories: Blog|

Texas summers are known for their heat and humidity and increase the tendency to turn up the air conditioners. If you lower the temperature setting of your home's HVAC system every summer, you will be keeping your house cool. But chances are there that your HVAC system will be overworked. As a result, it might [...]