MP2 Energy Plans and Rates
MP2 Energy Features
About MP2 Energy
MP2 Energy is a Texas-based energy provider that offers 100% renewable electricity. MP2 Energy provides Texans the opportunity to receive power from solar panels and other sources of clean, green power. The company has been in business for over 10 years now! They are committed to being environmentally friendly by using alternative electricity options. This type of renewable energy is much cheaper than traditional sources like coal or natural gas because it doesn't require expensive equipment like pipelines or refineries. To find out more about MP2 Energy, Energy Outlet is here to inform you!
Popular Cities Energy Texas Serves: Houston | Dallas

Make a Difference With a Green Energy Plan
MP2 Energy is an American, 100% renewable electricity company that offers Texans the opportunity to receive power from solar panels and other sources of clean, green power. They are committed to being environmentally friendly by using alternative electricity options. By switching to a renewable energy option, you can make a positive impact every time you turn on the lights. MP2 Energy is here to provide clean and affordable energy for your home with an online platform that helps you compare your plan options.
What is a Solar Farm?
A solar farm is a large area of land that has been covered in solar panels. These panels are often arranged in rows and columns so they can produce the most energy possible. Solar farms use sunlight to generate electricity from the solar power generated by these panels. The electricity produced at a solar farm is then sent through high-voltage lines to homes and businesses, where it’s used for heating water, powering lights, or even running appliances like refrigerators. A typical home may only need 4 kilowatts per day, but a 500-megawatt facility can provide enough energy for approximately 150 thousand average-sized homes! In order to make this process happen efficiently, there needs to be an efficient way of storing all of this electricity. MP2 Energy is providing Texans with the opportunity to receive power from solar panels!
MP2’s Solar Buyback Program
Did you know that with MP2, you can not only save money but even make money for using and creating solar energy? When you’re not using the energy that your solar panels are generating, with the Solar Buyback Program, you can sell that energy to MP2 and create money without having to lift a finger! Don’t miss out on this incredible deal, visit MP2 Energy’s site today and find out how to save on your energy!
Texans Support Texans
The MP2 Energy company is a Texas-based, renewable energy provider that offers 100% solar-powered electricity to residents in the state. MP2 has been committed to providing environmentally friendly energy options to Texans for over 10 years. Through the Energy Outlet platform, consumers can compare their MP2 Energy Plan options and find the best plan for their needs. Additionally, through MP2’s Solar Buyback Program, homeowners can sell excess energy generated by their solar panels back to the company. This program allows Texans to make money while using renewable energy! In addition to its solar power initiatives, MP2 is also involved in other renewable energy sources, such as wind power. MP2 is leading the charge in renewable energy initiatives and making a positive impact on our magnificent state!
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I Be Sure I Won’t Run Out of Energy?
If you’re a Texan who has decided to make the switch to solar energy, MP2 Energy is here to provide a backup plan. In case you ever run out of solar energy, MP2 Energy will sell you renewable electricity at a fair price in case you exhaust your solar energy. MP2 Energy is here to provide affordable renewable energy for your home! It’s easy to make the switch at any time with the MP2 Energy online platform, or give them a call today!
Can I Power My Electric Vehicle With Renewable Electricity?
MP2 Energy is proud to offer a new Electric Vehicle Charging Program that will allow Texans to charge their electric vehicles with MP2’s renewable energy! This program is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to reduce their carbon footprint and help the environment. With MP2’s Electric Vehicle Charging Program, you can easily charge your electric vehicle with solar power! All you need is an MP2-approved electric vehicle charger and you’re ready to go!
Not only is this program good for the environment, but it’s also good for your wallet. With this program, you can save money on your electricity bill while helping the planet. Plus, if you have an electric vehicle, this program makes it easy to charge your car with renewable electricity! Furthermore, you will be able to take advantage of free charging during certain off-peak hours.
Who is Eligible for the Solar Buyback Program?
In order to take advantage of MP2 Energy’s solar buyback program, you will need a few things. The first thing you’ll need is an MP2-approved smart meter in your Texas home. Secondly, as soon as your solar panels are up and running, contact MP2 Energy and they will set up a contract for you that will allow them to sell your excess energy back to them during off-peak hours. Lastly, make sure that when it comes time for renewal time on your electricity plan with any other company, be sure not to renew with them! Renewing with another company means that all of the money from this program is lost because there would be no residual energy to sell back to MP2!
What is Battery Storage?
Battery storage is a technology that allows homes and businesses to store energy generated by solar panels and wind turbines for use during times when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. This technology is becoming increasingly popular as more people make the switch to renewable energy. By using battery storage, homeowners can ensure that they always have access to renewable energy, even when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. Additionally, battery storage can help reduce electricity costs by storing energy during off-peak hours.