In the winter, most of us are cooped up indoors. We are waiting for the day that we can bust out of the house without a jacket and without shivering. For the day where we can do on a bike ride and take a lap in the pool!

However, for now, it’s cold and we are stuck indoors. We want to crank up that thermostat and use every light in the house because odds are is a little more gloomy outside during these cold months!

Go Green!

You might notice your electric bill is especially high during the winter and you are wanting to find a way to reduce your bill and reduce your energy! Going green is always a cost-friendly want to do just that. But what does that even mean?

Going green is essentially a way to live a lifestyle that is conscious of the environment and reduces your impact on it. You can do this by recycling, using water sparingly, composting food scraps, and reducing what you put in your trash!

In order to go green at home during the winter months there are a few key things to remember:

1. Unplug your appliances!

This might be the most difficult one when you are in a rush to get out of the door or cook something up. It can seem like you are wasting time wandering around unplugging things but it is worth the few minutes of inconvenience to save energy and money on your bill.

2. Turn off lights when not in use

This is another one that while you are trying to exit the house can be difficult. But it is something you should keep in mind when you are cooking, eating, working out… pretty much whenever inside, you should always turn off lights and unplug things to reduce your energy bill.

3. Turn down the heat!

If you are trying to green at home in the winter, turning down the heat is another good choice. It will reduce your bill but it also keeps your house a cool place to be! You might not think so because it’s cold outside but inside your house does not have to be burning hot.

4. Use LED lights instead of incandescent

If you are still using lightbulbs in your house, switching to LED bulbs is another great step! Not only will it be beneficial for staying green at home but also on your electric bill. These lights use less electricity than the typical household light bulb.

5. Open windows to ventilate

Open up some windows when you have the chance to ventilate! The air inside your house is dry and that can cause mildew which will only increase the amount of energy needed for heating.

6. Remodel to better insulate

If your house is older and you want to go green at home, consider remodeling! Adding insulation can help save on energy bills because you will not have to heat up the whole house. This process might be a little pricey but it can reduce extra costs in heating and cooling.

7. Use energy-efficient appliances

If you are trying to go green at home in the winter, using energy-efficient appliances is a great idea! You can use newer versions of dishwashers, washing machines, etc. to reduce your energy bill and lower your electricity rates.