Clean energy is pretty much another term for renewable energy. It’s an energy source that is either infinite (meaning it will never run out – think sun, wind, water, etc.) or one where the rate of depletion is so slow that it can be replenished in a reasonable time frame.

So why does clean energy matter to you?

Well firstly because this stuff powers your life. It’s in your light bulbs, it powers the computers you’re reading this on right now and ultimately makes life comfortable for you. It’s also renewable, meaning that when we’ve got enough of it to power our lives there will still be an endless supply ready to go! That’s why it is important for you to have the power to choose a reliant energy plan most efficient for you.

Types of Clean Energy:

Solar (sun) Energy

Solar cells (or photovoltaic cells) are simply materials that convert sunlight directly into electricity. This technology is becoming more and more affordable, allowing people to make their own power in an eco-friendly way thanks to this clean energy source. Solar energy is renewable energy because the sun isn’t going to stop shining any time soon!

Wind Energy

The movement of air across the planet provides huge amounts of kinetic energy, which can be harnessed to generate electricity. Wind farms with large turbines are popping up in many countries, including Germany who holds the most installed wind capacity worldwide.

Bio Energy/ Bio Fuels

As fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) continue to cause climate change and pollution around the world it becomes more important than ever to find renewable alternatives for energy. Bioenergy is an ‘older’ clean technology that has huge potential to supply the world with its energy needs. The most popular form of bio energy is Biofuels, which are essentially fuels made from biological materials such as wood or alcohol.

Alternative Energy

Alternative energies are those sources that are found at specific locations and cannot be transported. This includes nuclear energy, geothermal energy, and wave/tidal power.

Water (hydro) Energy

Water has huge potential to be used as an energy source, with dams creating electricity all over the planet. In fact, around 16% of the world’s electricity is powered by hydroelectric power. As for transporting water? You guessed it – there are turbines in rivers and canals all over the place!

Efficiency: What is it?

Efficiency is a measure of how much a system converts energy from one form to another. From a consumer point of view, the more efficient a device is the less energy it will use and therefore reduce costs as well as your carbon footprint.

For example, a typical incandescent light bulb converts only 5% of its energy into light! This rest is lost or converted to heat. That’s why these bulbs get really hot…

Types of Efficiency:

Electrical Efficiency

Electrical efficiency is a measure of the amount of useful power that a device receives from an electrical supply. In other words, it’s how much electricity you’re actually getting after losses have been taken into account.

Fuel Efficiency

You can use fuel efficiently by always using the right type of engine for your vehicle and making sure you drive according to the rules of the road. This will ensure that you’re getting optimal power and performance while using fewer resources.

Buildings Energy Efficiency

It’s important for homes and buildings to be energy efficient because they use up almost half of all our energy, therefore wasting electricity could lead to us paying more money on our bills!

Transportation Energy Efficiency

When it comes to transportation, the most efficient cars are usually small and lightweight. They also have smaller engines which make use of the latest technology for improved fuel efficiency.