Paying electricity bills is something every homeowner or tenant has to contend with. However, you don’t need to break the bank; especially not when you live in Houston, Texas. Here are seven tips on how to save money on your electricity bills, whether through energy-efficient practices or by choosing the best electricity plan for your needs.

1. Research and Compare Electricity Provider Rates

Houston, Texas, is situated in a deregulated energy market. This means you have the “Power to Choose” your electricity provider. Take advantage of this by comparing plans and rates from companies like Reliant Energy, 4Change Energy, Pulse Power, Express Energy, Payless Power, TXU Energy, and Frontier Utilities. By doing your research and comparing rates, you’ll find cheaper electricity plans that can help you save money on your electricity bill.

2. Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances

Choosing energy-efficient appliances may require a higher initial investment, but it’s crucial to view this purchase as a future saving strategy rather than a mere expense. The costs will, over time, offset due to significantly less energy usage compared to their traditional counterparts. This transition to energy efficiency means lower electricity bill charges, benefiting your monthly budget.

Energy Star label is a recognized energy efficiency rating provided to appliances that have passed rigorous assessments and tests. An appliance with an Energy Star label not only consumes less electricity but also generates less greenhouse gas emissions. This dual advantage makes these appliances an eco-friendly choice for the environment-conscious consumer.

Consider everything from your refrigerator, washer, dryer, dishwasher, to your HVAC system. All these appliances contribute to a significant portion of your electricity bill. Opting for Energy Star-rated versions of these appliances can result in up to 30% energy savings compared to non-rated models.

3. Regularly Turn Off and Unplug Unused Electrical Appliances

One of the best tips on how to save money on electricity bills is simply not to use unnecessary energy. Many people are unaware that even when off, appliances can still consume energy if they are plugged in. Of course, this applies to big energy consumers like AC units and TVs, but also to smaller items like chargers and lamps.

4. Lower Your Thermostat

When the cold winds are sweeping through the streets of Houston, you might be tempted to turn up your thermostat and fill your home with comforting warmth. However, the drawback of this cozy convenience is the increased energy consumption it leads to. Every single degree that you adjust your thermostat can inflate your energy usage, putting an unnecessary and avoidable burden on both the environment and your utility bill.

So, what can you do to stay warm without taking the easy way out? One effective option is to invest in energy-efficient alternatives like space heaters. These heaters directly warm specific zones or rooms, rather than heating your entire house, leading to less energy wastage. Make sure to choose models specifically designed for energy efficiency, as not all space heaters are created equal.

Another smart choice is thermal curtains. With their extra insulation, these multi-layered curtains regulate the temperature in your rooms by blocking cold drafts in winter and hot sun rays in summer. By anchoring these curtains properly, you’ll ensure no heat escapes out or cold drafts infiltrate your warm, cozy interior.

5. Install Energy-Efficient Lighting

Switching to energy-efficient light bulbs can result in significant savings on your electricity bills. Although energy-efficient bulbs are slightly more expensive than traditional bulbs, they use less energy and last longer, meaning you’ll save money in the long run.

6. Weatherize Your Home

Weatherization refers to the practice of protecting your home from outside elements, such as wind, rain, heat, and cold. For residents of Houston, Texas, weatherizing your home can be particularly beneficial due to the region’s hot summers and cool winters. In a state known for its climate extremes, managing interior temperatures efficiently becomes crucial.

A home’s insulation plays a vital role in this. By installing proper insulation in your home’s walls, ceilings, and floors, you can significantly reduce energy loss, thus lowering the frequency of running your heating and cooling systems. By maintaining a consistent indoor temperature, insulation directly contributes to lower energy use and, therefore, lower utility bills.

However, insulation alone isn’t sufficient to weatherize your home. Preventing air leaks from doors and windows is equally crucial. Small cracks or crevices around frames may seem negligible, yet, they can result in surprising amounts of heat escaping during winter or cool air in the summer. Sealing these gaps helps retain the temperature-preferred air inside your home thus reducing the power used to maintain your home’s temperature.

7. Use Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy is becoming increasingly accessible, and using it is more than just a great environmental choice; it can help you save money! Ask providers like New Power Texas about the renewable energy options they offer.

Different Types of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy has emerged as a significant solution for reducing carbon footprints and promoting sustainability. Houston, Texas, houses a gamut of providers such as New Power Texas that offer various forms of renewable energy. Here are four primary types of renewable energy to consider for your home:

1. Solar Energy

Solar energy is nothing but harnessing the power of the sun—a clean, abundant, and efficient way to generate electricity. You can install solar panels on your roof or in your backyard, and these panels will convert sunlight into electricity. Furthermore, any unused power can often be sold back to the grid, leading to even more savings.

2. Wind Energy

Although typically seen in large-scale wind farms, smaller wind turbines can also be used for residential purposes, particularly in more rural or open areas. The wind turns the blades of the turbine around a rotor, which spins a generator to create electricity.

3. Hydroelectric Energy

Hydroelectric energy is often associated with large dams, but smaller scale systems known as ‘micro-hydro’ can provide a great renewable energy source for individual homes near a water source. Water flow is used to power a turbine generator that produces electricity.

4. Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy utilizes heat from below the Earth’s surface to generate power. While a more substantial initial investment might be necessary for the installation of a residential geothermal energy system, the returns in terms of savings can be significant.

Consider All These Tips on How to Save

Your journey to reducing electricity costs in Houston, Texas, can begin today by considering these seven tips on how to save. Take a look at your current practices, make energy-efficient changes, and look at different providers like Reliant Energy, 4Change Energy, and Frontier Utilities to find the best cheap electricity plans in Houston, Texas.

Where To Start

Ready to start saving money on your electricity bills? You can start today! Use the Power to Choose to compare electricity plans in Houston from many providers. For example, Express Energy offers a range of plans to fit different energy needs. Payless Power has pre-paid options that can allow you to better manage your electricity usage and costs. Pulse Power offers rate locks, so you’re protected from sudden increases in electricity prices.

Switching Providers

Remember, switching providers isn’t as daunting as it seems. Once you’ve compared plans and found the best fit, the new provider usually handles the switch. You hardly need to do anything, and hey, you’re on the road to saving money!

Remember these seven tips on how to save as you navigate your electricity usage and bills in Houston, Texas. By being proactive and staying vigilant of your electricity use, you’re sure to make substantial savings.